The End of Seeking Podcast
The End of Seeking Podcast
Episode 26: Experience is the Greatest Teacher

Episode 26: Experience is the Greatest Teacher

In this episode, we explore the power of direct experience over intellectual knowledge, that there are profound teachings to be found in the fullness of the lived experience. Life itself is a constant teacher.

The solution to global problems? It starts at the individual level—discover your true nature rather than trying to imagine and bolster an unsustainable identity. 

We discuss "bootstrapping enlightenment" and the value of an eclectic spiritual path. We caution against comparing spiritual paths, urging to experience the shared reality they point to. We give some examples of spiritual teachers' key pointings.

Teachings and teachers are manifestations of our own consciousness, acting as an alarm clock to wake us up!

Regarding spiritual transmissions, we discuss transcending the transmitter/receiver binary; you are the light, and everything is the light. 

We talk about how even the sense of lack can become a teaching moment as we include everything. 


Imogen’s website -

Martyn’s website -

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The End of Seeking Podcast
The End of Seeking Podcast
Exploring the Nature of Being with Imogen and Martyn