The End of Seeking Podcast
The End of Seeking Podcast
Episode 24: Trusting Your Way

Episode 24: Trusting Your Way

“There are so many different ways of doing this work of holding space and guiding & supporting others. And so many ways of awakening to our nature and integrating and embodying that fully in the human expression that we are. Infinite ways of Being.

If I could ever impart anything to anyone - it is to trust YOUR way.”

In this episode we discuss the quiet joys of a Winter retreat. We explore the notion of “Do what thou wilt”; who is the one who wills and what is the “true will”, and how these questions are at the heart of spiritual realisation.

We talk about the variety of teachings, teachers, approaches to self-knowledge and how it’s crucial to discover and attune to one’s own light. We explore how the experience of personal suffering can engender a greater sympathy and compassion for our fellow beings and also can make us more able to help.

We also discuss the need to “find our way to the ‘yes’” when it’s not always our immediate response to a situation, etc. We talk about how life is orchestrating all beings back to the Self, back to their true nature.

Lots more too. Enjoy.

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